漆予 Chiyuu

ArchWSL #3 - 为 WSL 编译最新内核(手稿翻译中……)




Download latest kernel from https://www.kernel.org/

cd ~
wget https://cdn.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/<version>/linux-<version>.tar.xz
tar -xf linux-<version>.tar.xz
cd linux-<version>

get kernel build config for WSL

# in ~/linux-<version>
mkdir Microsoft
wget -O Microsoft/config-wsl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/WSL2-Linux-Kernel/refs/heads/linux-msft-wsl-6.6.y/arch/x86/configs/config-wsl

custom version tag:

will be displayed as <kernel-version>[EXTRAVERSION][CONFIG_LOCALVERSION]

install the dependencies: build-essential flex bison dwarves libssl-dev libelf-dev cpio bc python3

begin compile kernel, run

# in ~/linux-<version>
make -j12 KCONFIG_CONFIG=Microsoft/config-wsl # j12 is j<number> equal to CPU logical processors

# OR: custom kernel in tui
make -j12 menuconfig KCONFIG_CONFIG=Microsoft/config-wsl

# compilation successful:
Kernel: arch/x86/boot/bzImage is ready

then move (or copy) ~/linux-<version>/arch/x86/boot/bzImage to /mnt/c/<path-to-windows-where-want-to-place>/wsl-kernel

edit ~/.wslconfig


finally, restart wsl and check uname -r